
Frequently Asked Testing Questions

According to ANSI/IEEE 1059 standard – A process of analyzing a software item to
detect the differences between existing and required conditions (i.e., defects) and
to evaluate the features of the software item.

Manual testing is crucial for testing software applications more thoroughly. The
procedure of manual testing comprises of the following.
1. Planning and Control
2. Analysis and Design
3. Implementation and Execution
4. Evaluating and Reporting
5. Test Closure activities

Selenium is a suite of tools for automated web testing. It is composed of
• Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) : It is a tool for
recording and playing back. It is a browser plugin
• WebDriver : It provide the APIs for a variety of languages like Java, .NET, python,
etc. With most of the browsers Webdriver
• Grid: With the help of Grid you can distribute tests on multiple machines so that test can be run parallel which helps in cutting down the time required for running in browser test suites

Technical challenges with Selenium are:
1. Selenium supports only web based applications.
2. It does not support the Bitmap comparison.
3. For any reporting related capabilities have to depend on third party tools.
4. No vendor support for tool compared to commercial tools like QTP/UFT.
5. As there is no object repository concept in Selenium, maintainability of objects
becomes difficult

WebElement represents an HTML element. Generally, all operations on a web page will be performed through this WebElement.

1. Waterfall
2. Spiral
3. V Model
4. Prototype
5. Agile

Any Questions ? Free to Ask US!!

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Email: info@bridgeqsystems.com

Phone :+91 9030248855, 04035924264.

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